Cleanroom microbiology: single temperature incubation for environmental monitoring
Cleanroom microbiology: single temperature incubation for environmental monitoring
  • 2024 Servier laboratories - Guillaume Pinon
How does automating microbiological analyses with ScanStation improve your laboratory 21 CFR compliance?
How does automating microbiological analyses with ScanStation improve your laboratory 21 CFR compliance?
  • 2024 - Eugia US Manufacturing LLC - Mr. Nilkantha Banerjee
Staphylococcus aureus Behavior on Artificial Surfaces Mimicking Bone Environment
Staphylococcus aureus Behavior on Artificial Surfaces Mimicking Bone Environment
  • 2023 - MDPI | Pathogens
Surface Chemistry Dictates the Osteogenic and Antimicrobial Properties of Palladium‐, Platinum‐, and Titanium‐Based Bulk Metallic Glasses
Surface Chemistry Dictates the Osteogenic and Antimicrobial Properties of Palladium‐, Platinum‐, and Titanium‐Based Bulk Metallic Glasses
  • 2023 - Advanced functional materials
Antibiotic Susceptibility of β-Glucuronidase-Positive Escherichia coli Isolated from Poultry Products in Morocco
Antibiotic Susceptibility of β-Glucuronidase-Positive Escherichia coli Isolated from Poultry Products in Morocco
  • 2023 - Hindawi | International Journal of Food Science
Manufacture of syringes and capsules for faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) with Interscience equipments
Manufacture of syringes and capsules for faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) with Interscience equipments
  • 2023 - GHU Henri Mondor - Dr Nebbad-Lechani
Rapid and automated screening of carbapenemase- and ESBL-producing Gram-negative bacteria from rectal swabs using chromogenic agar media and the ScanStation device
Rapid and automated screening of carbapenemase- and ESBL-producing Gram-negative bacteria from rectal swabs using chromogenic agar media and the ScanStation device
  • 2023 - American Society for Microbiology
Association of handgrip strength and endurance with body composition in head and neck cancer patient
Association of handgrip strength and endurance with body composition in head and neck cancer patient
  • 2021 - Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
A high-performance solution for real-time colony counts on filtration membranes in microbiological analysis with ScanStation
A high-performance solution for real-time colony counts on filtration membranes in microbiological analysis with ScanStation
  • 2021 - APTAR Pharma - Mr Bonot / Mr Varin
Evaluation of the New Brilliance GBS Chromogenic Medium for Screening of Streptococcus agalactiae Vaginal Colonization in Pregnant Women
Evaluation of the New Brilliance GBS Chromogenic Medium for Screening of Streptococcus agalactiae Vaginal Colonization in Pregnant Women
  • 2014 - Journal of Clinical Microbiology - Journals