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All the INTERSCIENCE / INTERLAB teams thank for their visit:
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Mr. Franck Riester – Minister for Foreign Trade and Attractiveness
Mr. Serge Castel – Prefect of Cantal
Mr. Vincent Descoeur – Member of Parliament for Cantal
Mr. Michel Teyssedou – President of the community of communes of the Cantal Châtaigneraie
Mr. Antoine Gimenez – Vice-president of the community of the Châtaigneraie
Mrs. Annie Plantecost – 1st Vice-president of the community of the Châtaigneraie
Mr. Philippe Gras – DGS of the community of the Châtaigneraie
Mr. François Danemans – Mayor of Puycapel
Mrs. Marthe Lavaissiere – 1st deputy
Mr. Florian Maurel – Mayor of Maurs and Departmental Councillor
Mr. Marc Cagnard – International Director CCI de région / Team France Export Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes
Mr. Antoine Rolly – International Business Officer Business France / TFE