All the company’s employees were honoured to receive Mr Wahid Ferchiche, sub-prefect of the Aurillac district ; Mr Bernard Delcros, senator ; Mr Stéphane Sautarel, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional councillor ; Mr Vincent Descoeur, member of parliament ; Mrs Dominque Beaudrey and Mr Florian Morelle, Cantal departmental councillors ; Mr Michel Teyssedou, President of the Communauté de Communes de la Chataigneraie Cantalienne ; Mr François Danemans, Mayor of Puycapel, at the ground-breaking ceremony.

François Jalenques (1928-2012)
Physicist, Founder of RIBER and Interscience
The family company, founded by François Jalenques in 1979, now employs 170 people, including 100 at its historic site in Puycapel, where the company has its roots.
This project will also create around a hundred additional jobs in the Cantal region, as well as in its subsidiaries in the United States, China, Singapore and France.
A particular attention has been paid to the ecological footprint of the project, designed by Atelier Camino of Montsalvy, as well as its integration into the local environment.